DIY Dinosaur Soft Blanket Sewing Project

I made Little Miss a beautifully soft and snugly fleece blanket for her birthday.  She call sit her "soft blanket" and it's easy to see why.  I've finally got round to making Little Pickle one of his own.

Here's what I used:

I earn a small commission when products are purchased through the links I post here (at no additional cost to you). 

McCalls patterns are currently on offer at Minerva Crafts.

These blankets are crazy simple to make.  I use my rotary cutter, mat and ruler to square off the fabric.  Then I use my sewing machine to sew the bias binding along each edge.

I use the same technique I described in my earlier Quilt Binding Tutorial.

This uses home made binding but I happened to have some suitable pre-made bias binding so I've used that for this blanket.

After sewing the binding in place on the right side of the blanket I fold it over to the wrong side and hand stitch it in place.  You can do this by machine but it's so difficult to get the stitching in juts the right place I prefer to hand sew. 

And there we go. a lovely soft blanket that Little Pickle is already loving at bedtime.

Linking Up To:

Here's the blanket I made for Little Miss:

#simplycrafting #sewngforkids