Carrot and Ginger Soup Slow Cooker Budget Batch Cook Recipe

I'm not normally a fan of carrot soup but hubster likes it and Little Miss asked for it so I thought I'd try combining carrots with warming ginger and oh wow!!  This is delicious, it tastes like autumn in a bowl.  The rich and creamy taste of the carrots is topped off with the delightfully warming ginger.  Just perfect for warming up after autumnal walks.

Ingredients and Tools:
1.5kg Carrots 75p
1kg Onions 45p
1 Blulb Garlic 16p
Ginger 43p
Soy Sauce 42p
Double Cream 95p
4 Vegetable Stock Cubes 12p

Total = £3.28
Makes 12 servings = 27p  per serving

Food purchased from Aldi

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Because I'll be blending this soup there's need to finely dice the onions so I'm just very roughly chopping them.

And the garlic too.

Then frying them until they're nice and soft.

I've peeled and chopped the carrots.

And sliced the ginger.

They get thrown in the slow cooker with the stock cubes.

And the bottle of soy sauce.

I cooked it on low for most of the day. You could cook it on high for about 4 hours if you were in a rush.

Once the carrots were tender I ladled out some of the mixture into a blender.  Once smooth I added it back to the slow cooker and ladled out another batch.  I kept going until most of the chunks had been blended.

Then I added the cream.

I filled my blender again and gave it one last whizz before pouring it into freezer tubs.

The soup is a little too thick for my taste as is but I froze it without adding any water.  I add some boiled water and stir it in before serving.  This means that the soup takes up less space in my freezer.

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Here's some of my older soup recipes to inspire you:
 Chicken and Mushroom as You Like It Recipe Spicy Chicken Soup
 Leek and Potato Soup Recipe Chicken and Vegetable Soup Recipe

#simplycrafting #budgetrecipe #batchcookrecipe #slowcookerrecipe #carrotsouprecipe #autumnrecipe