We popped along to the Easter Egg hunt at Whitehall Park in Darwen.
The main entrance to the park is at the bottom of a fairly steep hill. I'd have been better bringing a sling but had packed a picnic and so decided to take the pram instead.
We said hello to the ducks on our way up - there was just the one.
And Little Miss got her Easter Egg hunt sheet.
There were little eggs to find all over the park.
It's a lovely way to explore and keep the kids entertained.
I'm so thankful we have an off-road pram.
The park has been left to nature's management more than others, so there's lots of woodland areas to explore.
Little Miss made an Easter Card. It just cost a donation to the park supporters group.
And played in the playground while we ate lunch.
It was a really nicely organised event, great fun for the smalls. There were refreshments availible which I overheard were wonderfully cheap.
I couldn't find details on their Facebook page but did get a leaflet with dates of future events:
Summer BBQ Saturday 22nd June 2019
Harvest and Charity Event Sunday 22nd September 2019
Halloween Saturday 26th October 2019
Christmas Event Saturday 14th December 2019
We'll definitely be coming back for some of these. Presumably the detaisl will be availible on Facebook nearer the time - https://www.facebook.com/WhitehallParkDarwen/.