Deviled Egg Pasta Salad Recipe

Creamy eggs and mayonnaise with pasta and the sharp tang of onions and celery.  A deliciously different lunch recipe.  

This salad recipe makes a big batch that will last for almost a week in the fridge.  

Ingredients and Tools:
Pasta 50p
10 Eggs 79p
Half Bottle Mayonnaise 35p
Half Jar Dijon Mustard 18p
500g Red Onions 35p
Celery 49p
Paprika 23p

Total = £2.89 for about 10 generous portions

I earn a small commission when products are purchased through the links I post here (at no additional cost to you). 

Start by boiling the eggs and the pasta.

This can be done in the same pan to save energy (and washing up!).

While the eggs are boiling chop the celery

And the red onions.

And chop the chives.

Once the eggs have boiled peel the shells off.

And roughly chop them up.

Removing the yolks.

To the egg yolks add about half a bottle of mayonnaise and about half a jar of Dijon mustard.

Give it a good mix.

Stir in the rest of the ingredients.

And serve with a simple side salad.

Linking Up To:

Feel free to pin this deviled egg pasta salad recipe for later.

Here are some of my other salad recipes:

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