Little Pickle's First Hair Cut


Little Pickle has had long hair for a while now.  I asked him a few times if he wanted it cutting shorter but he'd always say he wanted his hair to be long like his sisters.  I figured that trying to force a toddler to sit still for hair cut they don't want was way more hassle than I want in my life.  Then the hairdressers shut down and it wasn't an option anyway.

I've been trimming Little Miss's hair myself and doing a poor job of it, just enough to keep her fringe out of her eyes.  Now that the hairdressers have re-opened and we're on holiday with time to spare I thought I'd treat Little Miss to a proper hair cut.  

I asked Little Pickle if he wanted one too and to my surprise he said he wanted his hair short like his cousins.  

So off to the hairdressers we went . . .

He was a perfect angel and hardly wriggled at all.  He did need a little distracting towards the end but for the most part he seemed to quite enjoy himself.

Here's the after picture.  It was quite a shock to see him like this at first, I think it took me about a day to get used to it.